

3/8土曜日は、早起きをして千葉大学のキャンパスコモン2025へ、4歳の息子を連れて行ってきました。曇り空から、雨が(雪?)パラパラするようなお天気でしたが、たくさんの親子連れが訪れていました。ここ、千葉大学の墨田サテライトキャンパスへは、ものづくりのまち”すみだ”で活動されている”あそび大学”さんのワークショップに参加したり、世界デザイン会議の聴講などで実は何度か来たことがあります。今回はお仕事でデザインを担当させていただいた”WELLNESS TRACK(ウェルネストラック)”が大学構内と地続きになった公園に設置されることになり、これを拝見&体験させていただくのと、「ミニSL」や「わたあめのワークショップ」があると伺っていたので4歳の息子が喜びそうだなと思い、連れて行ったのでした。

During the Wellness Track Experience

On Saturday, March 8, I woke up early and took my 4-year-old son to Chiba University’s Campus Common 2025. The weather was cloudy and rainy (snowy?). The weather was overcast and the rain (snow?) was drizzling, but there were many parents and children visiting. I have been to Chiba University’s Sumida Satellite Campus several times to participate in a workshop of “Asobi University” in Sumida, a city of manufacturing, and to attend the World Design Conference. This time, the “Wellness Track,” which I was in charge of designing for the project, will be installed in a park connected to the university campus, and I will be able to see and experience it. I thought my 4 year old son would be delighted, so I took him there.



My son’s drawing of cotton candy (in his favorite railroad crossing color) at the cotton candy workshop.

There were several workshops that 4-year-olds could participate in, and they were so crowded that numbered tickets were handed out. The workshops were based on things that children would enjoy (banana chocolate, cotton candy, sensory bottles)! I learned a lot. I participated in two workshops, rode on a real mini SL (I think it was driven by coal. ), eating a gibier bento (wild boar meatballs!), and playing the ring toss. ), walking on the balance beam, playing the ring toss, test-riding a YAMAHA mobility car, and many other things! I had a great time. I was relieved to see people I wanted to meet and greet. However, I am ashamed to say that my hay fever was so bad this year that I looked like a tired zombie with bloodshot eyes and a cough. I look around and don’t see anyone with such severe symptoms, but…what the heck!



A luxurious time monopolized by the busy Ms. Minowa.

There was corporate participation, workshops for small children, outdoor events, indoor events, food and drink. A lot of things to do. I would like to thank all those who organized and ran the event despite the cold weather. Thank you so much for your hard work. Thank you so, so, so much for taking time out of your busy schedule and even allowing my son to play table tennis with you.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)




火曜日は高校時代のクラスメイトでアーティストの友人TyphoonSoupの展示へ。長いこと会っていなかったこともあり旧友との会話は尽きませんね。こちらは3/1まで銀座のGallery art pointで開催中です。



Garden of guise, mountain range, cold

On Sunday, I saw the view in the evening in the parking lot of a huge home improvement center that I visited for the first time. I took a picture of it and compared it with the mountain range in the binding that I painted long ago. It was the first time I had seen them, but I felt as if I had not seen them for a long time.

On Monday, I went to the Garden of Dressing. I found out right before I arrived that Yuki Ito, whom I had met at a previous group exhibition, was exhibiting and selling her work at the booth, so I rushed over to say hello to her. My son Posuke, who I took along with me, was thrilled to see her very cute works. I was told that the Garden of Design is an event that focuses more on textiles than the Paper Expo, and was newly established by a former member of the Letter Company after he became independent. The quality of the event was very high.It would be a shame not to see them all! I have been greedily looking at them.

On Tuesday, I went to an exhibition by my high school classmate and artist friend, TyphoonSoup. We hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so there is no end to conversation with old friends. The exhibition is currently being held at Gallery art point in Ginza until March 1.

I had to go out for a long time in a row, and it was cold. As expected, I caught a cold. My throat started hurting as usual, so I took some Gingyosan, curled up like a cat, and went to sleep. At midnight, the chills started and I began to have a fever, so I took Kuzuneito, and by the next morning, I had calmed down to the point where I thought, “This doesn’t seem to be getting any worse. Perhaps because I have accepted my frailty and have continued to steadily take measures, I no longer have to stay in bed for two weeks with a cold. I think it’s good that I’m avoiding flour (it makes me sick to my stomach and makes me feel fuzzy when I eat it) and eating sesame seeds. Now if I could just stop eating sweets, but it’s hard.

And today is the end of February. I feel as if I have done a lot, but nothing has been done.It seems to be a little warmer today, but it’s supposed to get colder again, so please, please, please take care of yourself!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)





” February, Chinese Medicine, Miso”

February is not my favorite month because it is cold. But I’m looking for fun things I can do during this cold time of year so I won’t regret it when it gets hot. (You know, like oden and chai during the cold season.)

There was a slight color to the koji in the miso I prepared two weeks ago. I have always wanted to try making miso. It’s been a few years since I’ve wanted to do it and wondered when I should make it. Last month, a friend of mine asked me, “Do you want some?” and suddenly gave me a miso preparation set. How did she know I wanted it? I wonder if God heard my murmur and told S-chan about it. I gratefully received it and hurriedly prepared the miso. And here is the view of the miso this morning. It had turned into a nice color. Please don’t let it get moldy!

I have had asthma and allergies since childhood, and I have always longed to be “healthy” (I was). Since childhood, I took a large amount of medicine, many pills every day, and my body was so cold that it was hard to move around with all the layers of clothes on. I was always worried about my health and cold. Now, my body temperature has increased and I feel and look better. I finally understand the importance of diet and habits, and at the same time I feel the importance of being myself. The other day, someone who saw my Instagram story told me about a book on Chinese medicine, and I immediately bought it and began to turn the pages. I realized that it is important to communicate and to take action. Then I decided to write it down here as a diary. I have cleared my past diaries and announcements. From today, I will start again to leave what I found interesting and important little by little.(Translated at DeepL)